Push Back On Parkinson’s Disease
Breakthrough Management in Quality-of-Life Therapy
Science and Delivery Model for Parkinson’s Disease / Dr. Frank Jarrell *D.C.
Executive Summary
Background & Purpose:
Over 15 years ago, Dr. Frank Jarrell developed a system of clinical protocols to apply photobiomodulation (PBM/NIr light) to produce high-yield therapeutic benefits to people with a wide set of neuromusculoskeletal functional deficits. His system adheres to accepted standards in care and utilize FDA-cleared technology.
4.5 years ago, he designed Lasene Neural Therapeutics, a PBM protocol. Lasene delivers therapeutic care for patients with multiple neurological deficits through procedures and algorithms in automated patient processing and therapeutic protocols that demonstrate predictability, dependability, reproducibility, and precision on a global scale.
In 2023, Dr. Jarrell conducted non-experimental, retrospective case data analysis on 45 patients over 74 weeks. He use Lasene Neural Therapy protocols to gauge outcomes in health-related Quality-of-Life (QoL) factors for a wide set of functional deficits in neurology. He emphasized conditions known to exhibit numerous patient specific, and group inclusive loses in health related QoL as seen in Parkinson’s Disease, sleep dysfunction, executive function, and similar conditions.
Results & Analysis:
These studies demonstrate a 41% mean, and a 52% mean peak improvement across 142 combined complaints representing quality-of-life status for 17 Parkinson’s patients.
The maximum improvement for a single patient in this study was 89% mean peak improvement across 49 reported neural deficits after 38 weeks of therapy.
Two specific samples of common complaints associated with PD include speech dysfunction demonstrating 40-100% mean peak improvement across 10 patients, and tremor activity demonstrating 20-100% mean peak improvement across 15 patients reporting these symptoms.
Retrospective analysis of long-term response curves for all Parkinson’s data-study patients utilizing Lasene Therapeutic Programs demonstrates a risk-free clinical procedure. Individual case outcomes predominantly demonstrate an overall progress curve in the sum of deficits affecting QoL. Background data reflects a range of 22-89 deficits per patient and an average of 46 deficits per patient.
The range of responses for individual deficits within a patient’s profile include non-responsive, arrested progression, improvement, and remission.
Conclusion & Recommendations:
Lasene’s high-yield therapeutics resulted in notable improvements in patients’ health-related QoL. They had no side effects, adverse events, contra-indications, or modifications to traditional treatment.
Clinical strategies in neural deficit management can reduce long-term suffering by improving QoL metrics for compromised neurology. Larger studies, system refinements, collaborative research projects and therapeutic and biochemical analysis of underlying physiological changes can improve clinical outcomes.
Institutional and Foundation engagement can rapidly bring this adjunct therapeutic protocol to those suffering from neurological compromise.
Topics: Underlying Science, Method and Delivery, Data Sets, Discussion, Programs, Case Example and Patient Comments, Resources and Citation Link are included in this White Paper.
Contact Information: Dr. Frank Jarrell, Director of Research and Development, Lasene, LLC +1-970-749-0915 or drfrankjarrell@spinalreflex.com and Cheryl Harris, MA, MSW, LCSW, Director of Business Relations, Lasene, LLC +1-704-330-3556 or charris@lasene.com
©2023 Lasene, LLC *D.C.
Loss of normal nerve function can develop due to trauma, malnutrition, vascular compromise, aging, toxicity, disease and less frequently, genetics. Compromise in a person’s function may occur in one or more areas of the nervous system including: peripheral, spinal, and cranial neurology. The following development in clinical solutions for neural therapeutics demonstrates significant reductions in functional deficits adversely affecting a broad range of patient quality-of-life (QoL) factors.
When applied to one of several QoL compromising conditions (Parkinson’s Disease example), our clinical data demonstrates a combined mean-peak improvement of 52% across 142 combined complaints for 18 patients over 74 weeks. There was no evidence of adverse events, side effects, contraindications, or modification to prescribed medications or lifestyle.
This novel strategy is a breakthrough in quality-of-life management. More than 100 studies from the National Institute of Health/National Library of Medicine and 4.5 years of evidence-based clinical outcomes demonstrate photobiomodulation (PBM) and advanced treatment algorithms provide neuro-regenerative and neuro-protective benefits for sleep, executive function, movement and other complex deficits in neurology.
White Paper
Both the science supporting, and the delivery model for managing neural deficits in the clinical setting are presented in the following White Paper.
Table of Contents
What is it?
PBM or near infrared therapy (NIr) originated in 1960 on the heels of industrial lasers. The acronym “LASER” refers to Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. All electromagnetic energy is broadly defined as “radiation” and the term LASER does not imply a risk of ionizing radiation unless it is specifically related to UV, X-ray, or gamma ray wavelengths. Therapeutic visible red and near infrared wavelengths are non-ionizing forms of radiation.
NIr PBM Laser therapy was initially defined as “transdermal stimulation” due to direct application by transference through the skin. The earliest evidence of biological benefits appeared to be stimulatory in nature. However, it is currently understood to be “bio-modulatory” in that current near-infrared therapeutic lasers predominantly induce increased adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production through cytochrome-c oxidase photo absorption characteristics in cellular mitochondrial and its’ role in the cellular respiration pathway. Increasing ATP levels in cells improves and normalizes RNA and DNA activity and results in improved cellular function. Surgical lasers that vaporize and cauterize a narrow line of target tissue were born from therapeutic laser technology by increasing collimation or extreme narrowing of the laser’s beam.
Development of the Lasers
For the first 55 years of therapeutic laser development, most devices were considered “therapeutically weak” by today’s standards. Cellular and tissue responses were/are marginal and both research and clinical benefits were mixed over the following five decades. Later designs increased power and dose density (watts/cm2), and grossly exceeded the skin’s thermal threshold for burn risk (>108 – 112 F’), leaving the clinician or technician with either a marginally effective, or dangerously overpowered device.
Today’s advanced designs deliver effective power densities with negligible to no thermal burn risk, making NIr/PBM laser therapy safer than ultrasound, diathermy, and cryotherapy modalities.
Laser therapy is now called photobiomodulation (PBM) due to its’ ability to normalize, not just stimulate cellular and subsequent tissue functions. PBM results in normalization of energy-dependent RNA/DNA coded genetic expression to include pain modulation, microvascular efficiency, cellular detoxification, and mitochondrial induced cellular repair without thermodynamic or ionizing risks.
In summary, safe and effective treatment protocols for guiding modern and specifically designed, FDA Cleared PBM technology delivers significant assistance to cell-level functions for patients with neurologically compromised conditions.
Method & Delivery
Our methods provide high-yield therapeutic gains across a wide spectrum of functional deficits in neurology. Our therapeutic objective and quality metric are not the disease process itself, rather it is the sum of functional neurological benefits derived from therapy that measurably and definitively improves the patients’ QoL status and long-term suffering. All methods are assistive, non-invasive, and benefit both the patient and the health care provider.
We use FDA Cleared, high-pulsed, low-wattage laser technology specifically adapted to meet our therapeutic standards for marginalizing all potential risk factors and maximizing therapeutic gains.
NIr photobiomodulation and proprietary data management systems are combined to identify, track, and map patient status and treatment delivery. Our algorithms are extensive, and our unique therapeutic system is non-experimental in nature. Our primary objective is to slow, restore and initiating remission in numerous QoL complaints for multiple neurological conditions through assistive in-clinic, or outpatient care until such a time as a permanent cure can be derived.
Delivery Model
We provide a practical pathway to assisting the patient by supporting both the clinical and business aspects of treating the patient’s neurological needs. Efficient workflow, equipment and training are available to implement evidence-based solutions for neural deficits in any location throughout the world.
Support & Services
Set-up, support, and services include equipment, training, technician certification, doctor and staff education, patient processing, payment processing, progress data monitoring, ongoing individualized and dynamic patient treatment maps, continuous visual data dashboards, notifications, scheduling, marketing assist, and technical support through a provider centric branding partnership relationship.
Data Sets
Lasene data sets for demonstration and educational purposes only. All materials are U.S. Copyright. All data is non-identifiable information obtained with HIPAA compliant patient consent directives and do not represent, nor imply a promise to cure or treat a specific disease or condition. Sample data studies illustrate therapeutic benefits derived through Lasene QoL focused protocols. Parkinson’s Disease example is presented for demonstrating proofs of concept and clinical efficacy.
1a. 1ct PD Patient, 89% Mean Peak Response Curve
Illustration 1.a. Best Case Response Curve / Single PD Patient / 38 weeks Lasene Neural Therapy Male / Age 68 / 49 reported neural deficits / Overall Split Line Graph / 89% Mean Peak Improvement as of May 3, 2023.
1b. 1ct PD Patient, Net 89% Mean Peak Itemized Response Curve
Illustration 1b: Same Parkinson’s patient as 1a / 38 weeks Lasene Neural Therapy / Split Mean QoL Graph / Best case response curve / Male / Age 68 / 49 reported neural deficits / 89% Mean Peak improvement as of May 3, 2023.
2a. 17 PD Patients, 52% Mean Peak, 41% Mean Improv. over 142 Complaints
2b. 17 PD Patients, 52% Mean Peak, 41% Mean Improve. over 142 Complaints Response Curve
Illustration 2a. & 2b. Combined 17 Parkinson’s patients up to 74 weeks Lasene Neural Therapy 13 Males, 4 Females / Ages 54-78 / 52% mean peak, 41% mean peak across 142 total reported complaints. Upper graph is Overall Split Line and lower graph is Split Line Comparative Complaint Response Curve.
3a. 10 of 17 PD Patients with Speech Dysf., Range 40 - 100% Mean Peak Improv. Illustration 3.a.
3b. 15 of 18 PD Patients with Tremors, Range 20 -100% Mean Peak Improv. Illustration 3.b.
Illustration 3a. 10 of 17 PD patients’ w/ Speech Dysf. / Mean QoL Progress Graph to 74 weeks / Note: Trend in Patient QoL.
Illustration 3b. 15 of 18 PD patients’ w/ Tremors / Mean QoL Progress Graph to 74 weeks / Note: Trend in Patient QoL.
Lasene clinical data samples demonstrate a “best case” single patient data-study, a 17 patient composite data-study on combined self-reported complaints, and one-each of multi-patient single complaint emphasis for both speech dysfunction and tremors. Up to date science and research, state of the art technology, streamlined data acquisition and processing systems, and advanced treatment algorithms provide a sound basis for health related QoL gains in treating patient reported neural deficits. Protocols and technical safety, absence of adverse effects or events, and robust clinical outcomes demonstrate consistent high-yield, quality-of-life benefits for those patients suffering from a wide set of neurological conditions to include Parkinson’s Disease. Further studies are warranted and collaborative analysis for safe and effective therapeutic and pharmacological development may arise from ongoing Lasene Neural Therapeutics Data Systems.
All programs include robust data capture and analysis, self-calibrating algorithmic treatment mapping and HIPAA compliant doctor, staff, and patient portals supported by ongoing data research for effective treatment solutions. This is the backbone to an “assistive partnership” role in assessing, guiding, and monitoring each patient’s declared status and response to systematic neural deficit remediation. Core Programs include 3, 6, 9 or 12-month PBM series with optional individualized support for chronic or progressive conditions. Each Program ranges from 24–35 sessions at 10–15 min. each and are administered with an FDA Cleared, Class II medical device through non-experimental clinical procedures. Treatments are delivered by a member of your staff after completion of a PBM Technician Training and Certification Program.
A Doctor’s Experience
[I was diagnosed with] “Advanced Parkinson’s in 2015. Shuffling gate, severe forward posture, muscle rigidity, loss of voice projection and volume, tongue and mouth tremors, whole body tremors, right hand severe tremors, constipation, insomnia, nightmares, low energy, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and brain fog.” [I began] “Lasene and light changes began to surface during the first 30 days. Now I have normal gate and posture, no mouth tremors, no body shaking, only a slight right-hand tremor that occurs a couple of times a day, restored sleep, no nightmares, normal bowel movements, restored libido and sexual function, voice projection restored, no more brain fog”.
Patient Comments
“I was apprehensive. I tried the therapy which turned out to be So, So simple and comfortable.”
“I’m like, you know, is this going to burn anything? (laughs) So it was great for me to see and understand that there wasn’t any downside, but there was a bunch of upside.”"
“The whole process was easy, relaxing, and great results. I recommend to anyone.”
“Noted loss in Parkinson’s mask and he smiles today. Improvement in gait and postural elevation.”
“Walking, ability to roll over in bed, strength, and energy better.”
“My mood and that [excessive daytime sleeping] really improved quickly.”
“No freeze gait today. Doing good, getting up better from a chair.”
“Gait is smoother, less throwing of the arms and torso for forward momentum.”
“I wouldn’t want to get up, would be groggy and getting up at 9:00; didn’t dream. And once I started this, I just havthese dreams that are vivid and go on all night it seems. I am waking up at 7:00 which is more normal.”
“Sleep improved; dreams resumed.”
“Sleep seems better, less restless, less waking, not as much stiffness in moving, fluidity of gait increased, less fatigue in evenings.”
“When I would go to bed, it was annoying having that tremor keeping me from falling asleep. And now I find I am able to go to sleep and I don’t have it when I wake up.
“Tremors way better, 80% decrease. Mood, depression, fear of change, pain, loss of lifestyle, crying, 50% less; not so hopeless feeling.”
“Intermittent tremors in hands, walking well with golf while on 3-day holiday.”
“Definite energy. Before I would start doing a task that normally I would do 6 of in a day; and I would do one and go “oh, I’ve got to rest” or I just didn’t have the will a lot of times, or the motivation to do things. I just did them like I was 80 years old. Now I feel much more like I used to. I can just get after something and complete it. I have energy and am motivated to do it.”
I can judge [tremors] by doing a scale on the piano. I can do them quite well now.”
“Walking 50% improved, turn/freeze gait only if doing it fast.”
“The restlessness and twitching I felt in my legs have completely stopped.”
“‘Right leg/foot no longer crossing midline with walking’
“No panic attack since Thursday [7 days] and 40-60% reduction in depression. Episodes [panic attacks] are about 1 week apart [HX 2x per day]. My panic is much improved.”
“Not waking with depression.”
“I feel like I have my life back. I feel like I’m not going to get any worse, and if anything, I will get better.”
“My tremors sometimes go completely away.”
“In a couple of years, if I just even improve minuscule, I think I could be 90% back.”
“I find that situations when the tremors would be bad were social situations where everybody is laughing and you are excited and talking, and it has definitely lessened quite a bit. The triggers are not as powerful.”
“I was able to hike down an 800 ft. gorge 2- 3 times to go fly fishing. I was rock hopping, and my balance was good. Before I was really scared to try to jump from rock to rock.”
“This program has given me inspiration and hope”
“An emotional or excitability trigger just doesn’t have the same effect that it did
“I lost my sense of smell, I used to have a really good sense of smell and now I would say it is 50% back.”
“Reduced tremor, improved speed and cadence of speech and improved gait efficiency and balance.”
“I came in and said all I want to do is walk. My hip no, I don’t even think about it anymore. It’s back 98%.”
“The whole process was easy, relaxing, and great results. I recommend to anyone.”
“I used to look in the future and see this person in the wheelchair drooling, and now I don’t see that. That’s a horrible thing to see. And now I just see improvement and I think I can stay that status quo. If I can just stay the way I am now I’d be happy, really happy, and I see that I think I can just stay like this.”
“My balance is better by far. Running and turning quickly (playing tennis); I could do all that. Much more coordinated.”
“Continued reduction in hand tremors at 0 – 10% of original. Can perform one leg hip rotation with decreased tremors, increased endurance, and decreased pain.”
“Can stand straight without trying.”
“If people don’t have this chance, it’s a sin. You can’t withhold, if there’s even any treatment that the symptoms are lessened, you’ve got to share that with people.”
“An innovative and comprehensive program for treating injuries, chronic pain, and in my case, symptoms of Parkinson’s. I initially sought treatment for my hip pain that has persisted for 3 years, with no real diagnosis or relief from multiple providers. My hip pain is resolving.”
“The laser and your system, it just goes like it belongs together. I had read about the laser and there were some very definitive studies done that laser will help this [Parkinson’s], will help symptoms. The hope that gave me was amazing.”
“The people that I know that have been ‘treated in this manner’ have had remarkable results. I don’t even feel like I’m the poster child! I feel like the people that I’ve seen that you have treated are just remarkable, and in a month in some instances!”
“I go longer periods of not even being aware of my [tremors] which is great, instead of it just constantly being a reminder. When I do have it, I seem to be able to do a little shrug off or mental relax of it.”
Visit: https://lasene.com/research-studies/ for an extensive list of citations by the National Institute of Health and the National Library of Medicine.
Visit: https://Lasene.com/ for general information.
Email charris@lasene.com or Call Cheryl Harris, MA, MSW, LCSW Director of Business Relations at
+1-704-330-3556 for general information, clinical opportunities, and business relations.
Contact: Dr. Frank Jarrell, Director of Research and Development at drfrankjarrell@spinalreflex.com or call +1-970-749-0915 for technical information and research collaboration.
©2023 Lasene Therapy